
Educating to Value: A Lesson in Pricing Perception

Educating to Value: A Lesson in Pricing Perception

I want to share a couple of stories that really struck a chord with me, illustrating how understanding value can help take price out of the equation. The first story happened during a casual conversation I had with a financial planner at an event. When I mentioned that I’m a vet, his immediate response was, […]

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Overcoming Decreasing Profit in Veterinary Practices: A Case Study of Mansfield Vet Practice.

Overcoming Decreasing Profit in Veterinary Practices: A Case Study of Mansfield Vet Practice.

In the realm of veterinary practices, discussing net profits—particularly healthy ones ranging from 20-30% after paying the owner’s salary—often remains a taboo. However, it’s alarming to note that one in eleven practice owners fail to earn a sufficient income to pay themselves adequately, let alone secure a profit. I’d like to share with you today […]

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The Power of the “AND” Philosophy in Veterinary Practice Management

Warning! Do Not Read This Unless You’re Interested in Boosting Your Practice’s Profitability…   I know what you’re thinking: “Profit? Really? That’s not why I got into this profession.” I get it—most of us in the veterinary world don’t like to talk about profit. But let’s be real for a moment: if you own a […]

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How To Recruit Quality Veterinary Team Members During This Labour Shortage

How To Recruit Quality Veterinary Team Members During This Labour Shortage

6 Steps to help you recruit the perfect veterinary team member. On a recent webinar of nearly 400 people in the vet industry, they were asked “What is your biggest challenge as a practise owner or manager right now?” In nearly 70% of the cases the response was recruiting staff. You may have noticed that […]

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Are you feeling totally over it? I don’t think you’re alone!

Are you feeling totally over it? I don’t think you’re alone!

Does everything seem to irritate you at the moment? Are you feeling low in enthusiasm, energy, fun, and have a lack of excitement about the future? Does everything feel like a grind at work? Every day you rock up and the appointments are over-booked and the day hasn’t even started? On top of that, is […]

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How to Increase Your Team’s Self-Worth to Overcome The Fear of Charging Appropriately.

How to Increase Your Team’s Self-Worth to Overcome The Fear of Charging Appropriately.

Does your team have wallet guardian disease?   Wallet guardian disease is when you or your team constantly find a way to reduce the price that you should charge for procedures.   A more controversial way to say it (and I’m sorry if this offends you) is you have a fear of charging.   Your […]

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The 80/20 Principle

The 80/20 Principle

Want the secret to simplifying your life and achieving more of the stuff you like to do.   Then learn to see life wearing 80/20 glasses.   What do I mean?   For some reason the world seems to exist around the 80/20 principle (Paraeto’s principle)   Here are some examples: 80% of your fitness […]

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HOWITIS. The disease that kills opportunity for Practice Owners

HOWITIS. The disease that kills opportunity for Practice Owners

  I want to alert you to a terrible disease that destroys opportunity.   It’ll stop you taking action.   It’ll make you feel frustrated.   It’ll keep you in a place that you don’t like for years and years.   It’s called HOWITIS.   It’s the disease of how.   It’s trying to figure […]

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