The Power of the “AND” Philosophy in Veterinary Practice Management

Warning! Do Not Read This Unless You’re Interested in Boosting Your Practice’s Profitability…


I know what you’re thinking: “Profit? Really? That’s not why I got into this profession.” I get it—most of us in the veterinary world don’t like to talk about profit.

But let’s be real for a moment: if you own a practice, wouldn’t a little more financial success make a big difference in your life?

Here’s the thing—most practice owners face a range of challenges that go beyond money:

  • Feeling overwhelmed and underconfident as a business owner.
  • Frustration with team underperformance.
  • Struggling with work-life balance.
  • Lack of clarity and direction for your practice.
  • Stagnation in growth and development.
  • Exhaustion from financial returns not matching your effort.

These issues often feel like they’re competing for your attention, pulling you in different directions. But what if I told you there’s a simple shift in mindset that could help you address all these challenges simultaneously?


Introducing the “AND” Philosophy

Most of us operate under the “OR” principle without even realizing it:

  • “I can have a high-performing team OR a team that likes me.”
  • “I can focus on growing my business OR have time for myself and my family.”

The “AND” philosophy changes everything. It’s about believing that you can achieve multiple goals at the same time:

  • “I can feel confident as a business owner AND have a team that’s accountable, AND have clients who appreciate our service, AND make a healthy profit.”

I know, it sounds almost too good to be true. You might be thinking, “That’s not possible for me. I don’t have the business skills or the leadership abilities to make it happen.”

But that’s just your inner critic talking—the voice that says you’re not good enough or that it’s too hard.


Here’s How You Can Make It Happen

We’ve developed a proven system that’s worked for 92% of the people who have tried it (only 8% don’t see results, often because they don’t commit to change). The key is to follow a structured process:

1. Find a Community of Like-Minded Individuals: Surround yourself with other practice owners who are on the same journey. This reduces the loneliness of the process and magnifies the results—there’s an undeniable energy boost when you’re around people with similar goals.

2. Use a Proven Formula for Success:

  • Clarity: Know exactly where you’re going.
  • Knowledge: Understand what steps you need to take to get there.
  • Confidence: Trust yourself to execute the plan.
  • Discipline: Stay accountable to your plan and adjust as needed.

3. Focus on All Aspects of Your Business: Develop a comprehensive strategy that addresses your mindset, your business processes, and your team’s ability to deliver an exceptional client experience.


Real-World Results: Clinic A vs. Clinic B

Let’s take a look at two scenarios, both involving veterinary practices bought for $495,000. Over ten years, one (Clinic A) applies the “AND” philosophy with coaching and the other (Clinic B) sticks to the “figure it out myself” approach.

  • Clinic A grows at 15% annually and operates at a 20% net profit, resulting in a total net financial position of $8,059,611.
  • Clinic B, growing at 5% and maintaining an 11% net profit, ends up with a net financial position of $1,692,838.

The difference? A staggering $6,366,773.

Total Repayments Total income over 10 years Sale Value at 5 times nett profit Nett Financial Position
Clinic A $ 655,800 $4,449,854 $4,045,557 $8,059,611
Clinic B $ 655,800 $1,452,746 $895,892 $1,692,838
Difference $ 0 $3,217,108 $3,149,665 $6,366,773


Which Game Are You Playing?

Are you playing the “OR” game, limiting yourself to one or two goals, or are you ready to play the “AND” game, achieving multiple objectives and transforming your practice and your life in the process?

If you’re ready to embrace the “AND” philosophy and see these kinds of results in your practice, let’s talk. We help practice owners like you achieve these outcomes every day.

Click here to schedule a time that works for you.



By adopting the “AND” philosophy and applying a structured approach, you can overcome the common challenges of practice ownership and achieve a thriving, balanced, and profitable business.